Ernest Hemingway, a tourist attraction in Cuba (+ photos)


After Cuba reopened its borders to international tourism on November 15, many foreigners want to discover all the tourist spots in the country. Many tourists are comming from different regions of the world. One of the most popular itineraries in Cuba for travelers, mainly US tourists, is the one linked to US writer Ernest Hemingway, who lived in Cuba for over 20 years and left his imprint in many spost of Havana city.

Some of those tourist places include Havana´s Bay, in Old Havana, the Ambos Mundos Hotel, El floridita bar and restautant. Others located to the east of Havana are Cojimar fishing town, where he wrote The Old man and the sea, and Finca Vigia House Museum, where he lived for the  last 22 years of his life and wrote some of his most famous novels. 

The writer stayed at the Ambos Mundos hotel in the 30´s. In room 511, he wrote the first chapters of the novel For whom the bell tolls as well as some of his chronicles. El Floridita, is internationally famous for its daiquiris and for being visited by Ernest Hemingway during his time as a writer in Cuba. There is a life-size statue of Hemingway, made of bronze, right on his favourite corner. The Ambos Mundos hotel and Floridita are located on Obispo street, one of the most main streets of the Historic Center of Old Havana.


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