Rhythm, color and joy mark opening of the 43rd Caribbean Festival


Bathed in the Caribbean’s typical rhythm, color and joy, the 43rd Fiesta del Fuego Festival kicked off in this city with an opening gala that displayed the region’s most authentic popular culture, with emphasis on the cultural expressions of Salvador de Bahia, the Brazilian state to which the Festival is dedicated this year.

Orlando Verges, director of the Casa del Caribe, recalled that the event had been also dedicated to Brazil in 1997 and 2010, which led to stronger cultural ties between both nations, and highlighted that Santiago de Cuba and Bahia share common features such as a distinct miscegenation resulting from the early concentration of African slaves in the two regions.

On his end, Brazilian ambassador Christian Vargas pointed out that his country considers the Caribbean as a space of cooperation, solidarity and identity and the fact that the dedication brought great joy and a sense of commitment to keep strengthening ties between Brazil and Cuba.

The Fiesta del Fuego is consolidated as an opportunity for celebration and enjoyment, two natural qualities of the Caribbean peoples.


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