Yoruba Iyessa Returns to the Stage at Cuba’s National Theater


The acclaimed production Yoruba Iyessa will soon make its return to the stage, performed by the Cuban National Folkloric Ensemble during the third week of September at the Avellaneda Hall of the National Theater of Cuba.

With a script by the renowned writer, ethnologist, and folklorist Rogelio Martínez Furé—founder of the National Folkloric Ensemble and recipient of the 2015 Cuban National Literature Award—and choreography by Mexican dancer and choreographer Rodolfo Reyes Cortés, who played a pivotal role in the formation of dance companies both in Cuba and across Latin America, this iconic piece will be presented on September 20, 21, and 22, according to announcements posted on the company’s Facebook page.

This time, the role of Ogún will be performed by principal dancers Harold Ferrán, Yandro Calderón, and Yessel Ramos, while the role of Ochún will be portrayed by principal dancers Yulien Fernández and Keyla Galarraga.

“Ochún, the goddess of love, beauty, and fresh waters, learns that the fierce warrior Oggún is spreading death with his weapons. Determined to save humanity, she sets out to win his heart,” the production notes detail.

Yoruba Iyessa serves as a poignant reminder that, in these turbulent times, love must be the driving force for peace. The performance symbolizes the victory of peace over war, emphasizing the enduring strength of motherhood and justice as guiding forces on Earth.

Translated by Luis E. Amador Dominguez


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